
God asks the church to be a community of people sharing a common purpose and fellowship, continually growing in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God.

The church is a servant body. Created for service, it serves the Lord in praise, serves one another in love, and serves the world in humility. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Eph. 2:10).

The Sabbath School secretary, like every other church officer, is a ministering servant of God. Every Christian believer is called to ministry, gifted by the Holy Spirit, and in baptism ordained for ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).

Duties of the Sabbath School Secretary

The ministry to which a person is called when they are appointed Sabbath School secretary involves the following duties:

  • Communication. You will send out announcements or make phone calls to remind people of the meetings of the Sabbath School committee. You will check with the leaders of the adult Sabbath School classes and other divisions each week to review their membership list, gather their offerings, provide them with supplies, as well as listen for their suggestions and needs. You will communicate these needs to the pastor or other appropriate leader. You are the contact person for the conference church ministries department and will be sent bulletins, and other items of information which need to be routed to the right person in your congregation. You are the link in the chain through which most communication will travel.
  • Records and statistics. The minutes of the church ministries council and perhaps other committees may be kept by the Sabbath School secretary, and copies promptly sent to each of the committee members as a reminder of decisions and assignments and as a way to inform absent members. Each Sabbath School teacher and division leader is to be supplied with a membership record folder and encouraged to keep a list of people in the group. On the second Sabbath of each quarter, attendance counts are to be collected both during Sabbath School and the worship hour. These form the basis for filling out the Sabbath School profile (Form A-300) which is the official statistical report of the Sabbath School in your church.
  • Supplies. A number of Sabbath School supplies and materials are needed in each local Adventist church. The Sabbath School must have quarterlies, helps for teachers and leaders, and many other items in order to function. It is the responsibility of the Sabbath School secretary to see that these items are ordered in advance of the need, received, stored carefully and distributed on time. You are the supply agent upon which all of the other Sabbath School leaders depend.
  • Secretarial assistance. Unless you are in a large church which hires an office secretary, the leaders of your congregation will need you to help provide secretarial work necessary to carry on the business of the Sabbath School. This may include general correspondence, mailings, filing, setting up and maintaining mailing lists, preparing announcements and agendas. You may need additional help when major projects require lots of work.
  • Meetings. At meetings of the Sabbath School council, you will need to be secretary of the group. Depending on the size and organization of your local church, you may also be a member of various other committees.
  • Money. The Sabbath School secretary and his or her assistants collect the offerings taken in Sabbath School classes and divisions, count them and turn the money over to the church treasurer. Special donations may also be given to you from time to time to be deposited in specific accounts with the church treasurer. You will need to get regular monthly financial statements from the treasurer so you can monitor the funds in the various accounts of the Sabbath School as you order supplies. The treasurer should not pay any bill from the Adventist Book Center or other supplier until you have checked and approved it. You are an important link in the manage- ment of the church’s funds.


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Responsibilities in the Local Church. North American Division Coorporation of Seventh-day Adventists. Copyright © 1997, Revised 2017. Permission to copy for local churches use.